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How To Train Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Updated: Jul 19

Bringing a newborn home is an exciting and joyous experience, but it can also come with its challenges, especially when it comes to sleep. One of the most common concerns among new parents is how to train their newborn to sleep through the night. This comprehensive guide will explore various techniques and tips to help you and your baby achieve a good night's sleep. We'll also highlight the importance of sleep training a baby and how an infant sleep trainer can assist in this journey.

Understanding Newborn and Infant Sleep Patterns

The Science of Newborn Sleep

Newborns have unique sleep patterns that differ significantly from adults. They spend most of their time sleeping, but their sleep is fragmented into short periods. Understanding these patterns is crucial for giving yourself grace in understanding why sleep is so hard with your newborn. For reference, newborns can sleep between 14-17 hours in a 24-hour period, divided into multiple naps and night sleep.

For infants past the 4th trimester, [See table that I include below and transfer to text]

9-16 Weeks

Months 3-4

105-2 Hours

3-4 naps/day

12-16h/24h period

3.5-4.5h day sleep

17-28 Weeks

Months 5-7

2.5-3 Hours

2-3 naps/day

12-15h/24h period

3-4h day sleep

29-36 Weeks

Months 8-9

3.5 Hours

2 naps/day

12-14h/24h period

2.5-3h day sleep

37-44 Weeks

Months 10-11

4-4.5 Hours

1-2 naps/day

12-14h/24h period

2.5-3h day sleep

45-72 Weeks

Months 12-18

5-5.5 Hours

1 nap/day

11-14h/24h period

1.5-2.5h day sleep

Anywhere b/w

Month 19 to 2.5 Years

6 Hours

1 nap/day

11-14h/24h period

1-2h day sleep

Why Do Newborns Wake Up Frequently?

Newborns wake up frequently due to their small stomachs, requiring frequent feedings. Additionally, within each sleep cycle, more time is spent in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is lighter and more easily disrupted. Recognizing these natural patterns can help set realistic expectations for sleep training a newborn.

Ready for peaceful nights? Discover expert tips and get personalized help from an infant sleep trainer to start sleep training your baby today!

The Importance of Sleep for Newborns

Physical and Cognitive Development

Adequate sleep is essential for a newborn's physical growth and cognitive development. Sleep training a baby can ensure they get the necessary rest to support their overall health. During sleep, the body releases growth hormones, and the brain processes and consolidates new information, crucial for a baby's development.

Emotional Well-being

A well-rested baby is generally happier and more content. Proper sleep helps regulate their emotions and reduces fussiness. Sleep training a baby can contribute to a more peaceful household, benefiting both the baby and the parents.

Preparing for Sleep Training

Setting Up a Sleep-friendly Environment

Creating a conducive sleep environment is critical in sleep training a baby. The nursery should be calm, quiet, and dark. Using blackout curtains and a white noise machine can help minimize disturbances. Ensure the room temperature is comfortable, as a too-hot or too-cold environment can disrupt sleep.

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine signals to your baby that it's time to sleep. This routine can include activities such as bathing, reading a story, or singing a lullaby. Consistency is key in sleep training a baby, as it helps them associate these activities with bedtime.

Choosing the Right Sleep Training Method

There are various sleep training methods, each with its approach and philosophy. It's essential to choose a method that aligns with your parenting style and comfort level. Here are some popular methods for the younger age groups under 6 months.

● Ferber Method: Also known as graduated extinction, this method involves checking on the baby at increasing intervals, providing reassurance without immediately picking them up.

‘Pick up put down’ Method: This gentle approach involves comforting the baby without letting them cry. It may take longer but can be less stressful for both the baby and parents.

Implementing Sleep Training Techniques

The Role of an Infant Sleep Trainer

An infant sleep trainer is a professional who specializes in helping parents establish healthy sleep habits for their babies. They provide personalized guidance and support, making the sleep training process more manageable. Consulting an infant sleep trainer can offer valuable insights and tailored strategies for your baby.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sleep Training a Baby

  1. Start with a Consistent Bedtime: Establish a fixed bedtime range and stick to it, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your baby's internal clock.

  2. Create a Soothing Bedtime Routine: Follow the same sequence of activities every night. This routine signals to your baby that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

  3. Place the Baby in the Crib Awake: To teach your baby to fall asleep independently, place them in the crib while they are drowsy but still awake. This helps them learn to self-soothe.

  4. Use a Lovey or Comfort Object: A small, soft object can provide comfort and reassurance to your baby during sleep. Ensure it's safe and appropriate for their age.

  5. Gradually Increase Alone Time: If using a method like Ferber, gradually increase the time your baby spends alone before you check on them. This teaches them to wait and self-soothe.

  6. Stay Calm and Consistent: It's normal for sleep training to involve some crying and resistance. Stay calm and consistent in your approach, providing reassurance without giving in to every cry.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Night Wakings

Night wakings are common during the early stages of sleep training a baby. If your baby wakes up at night, wait a few minutes before responding. They may settle back to sleep on their own. If they continue to cry, provide minimal interaction and avoid picking them up immediately.

Regression Periods

Sleep regressions can occur during developmental milestones or changes in routine. These periods can disrupt sleep training progress. Stay consistent with your routine and be patient. Sleep regressions are temporary and will pass.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can make sleep training more challenging. Ensure your baby feels secure and loved during the day, and gradually increase their comfort with sleeping alone. An infant sleep trainer can offer strategies to ease separation anxiety.

Benefits of Sleep Training a Baby

Improved Sleep Quality

Sleep training a baby can significantly improve the quality of sleep for both the baby and the parents. A well-rested baby is more likely to have longer, uninterrupted sleep periods, which contributes to their overall well-being.

Enhanced Family Dynamics

Better sleep can lead to improved moods and reduced stress levels for the entire family. Well-rested parents are better equipped to handle the demands of parenting, leading to a more harmonious household.

Promotes Independence

Teaching your baby to fall asleep independently fosters a sense of security and self-reliance. These skills will benefit them as they grow and encounter new challenges.

Long-term Impact of Effective Sleep Training

Healthy Sleep Habits

Establishing healthy sleep habits early on sets the foundation for lifelong good sleep hygiene. Sleep training babies help them develop routines and associations that will benefit their sleep patterns into childhood and beyond.

Cognitive and Emotional Development

Consistent, quality sleep is linked to better cognitive and emotional development. Babies who sleep well are more likely to perform better in cognitive tasks and exhibit positive emotional behaviors.

Ready for peaceful nights? Discover expert tips and get personalized help from an infant sleep trainer to start sleep training your baby today!


Sleep training a baby is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and understanding. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can help your newborn develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them throughout their life. Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Don't hesitate to seek the guidance of an infant sleep trainer if you need additional support. With the right approach, you can achieve the goal of helping your baby sleep through the night, leading to better sleep for the entire family.

Read more about:


1.Is sleep training okay for babies?

Yes, sleep training is generally considered safe for babies and can help establish healthy sleep habits. It is important to choose a method that suits the baby's age, temperament and the parents' comfort level. Consulting with a pediatrician before starting sleep training can ensure it's appropriate for your baby's developmental stage and health.

2. Can I pay someone to sleep train my baby?

Yes, you can hire a professional infant sleep trainer to help sleep train your baby. These experts provide personalized guidance and support, tailoring sleep training techniques to fit your family's needs. They can offer valuable strategies and help you navigate the challenges of establishing healthy sleep routines.

3. What is the best age to sleep train a baby?

The best age to start sleep training is typically between 4 to 6 months old, as babies are developmentally ready to learn self-soothing skills. However, every baby is different, and some may be ready earlier or later. It's important to assess your baby's readiness and consult with a pediatrician if unsure.

4.What does a baby sleep trainer do?

A baby sleep trainer helps parents establish and implement effective sleep routines for their babies. They provide customized sleep plans, offer support and guidance, and address any challenges that arise during the process. Their expertise can make sleep training smoother and more effective for both the baby and the parents.

5. Do babies cry after sleep training?

Yes, it's common for babies to cry during and after the initial stages of sleep training as they adjust to new sleep routines. However, the crying typically decreases over time as they learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. Consistency and patience are key to minimizing distress during the process.

6. How do you know if your baby needs sleep training?

If your baby has difficulty falling asleep, wakes frequently during the night, or struggles to self-soothe, they may benefit from sleep training. Additionally, if sleep issues are affecting their mood and overall well-being, or if you're experiencing sleep deprivation, it may be time to consider sleep training. Consulting with a pediatrician can help determine if sleep training is appropriate.

7. Does sleep training mean no pacifier?

Not necessarily; using a pacifier can be compatible with sleep training, especially if it helps the baby self-soothe. However, some sleep training methods may suggest weaning off pacifiers to encourage independent sleep. It's important to decide based on what works best for your baby and their ability to fall asleep on their own.

8. What is the 5 3 3 rule?

The "5 3 3 rule" is a sleep training guideline suggesting that parents allow their baby to cry for 5 minutes before comforting them, then 3 minutes the next time they cry, and another 3 minutes if they cry again. This method helps babies learn to self-soothe by gradually extending the time before they are comforted.

9. What is the best sleep training method?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best sleep training method depends on the baby's temperament and the parents' preferences. Popular methods include the Ferber method, the cry-it-out method, and the no-tears method. It's important to choose a method that you feel comfortable with and can remain consistent with.

10. Do pediatricians recommend sleep training?

Many pediatricians do recommend sleep training, especially when done appropriately and tailored to the baby's developmental stage. They can guide on choosing the right method and ensure that the baby's health and well-being are prioritized. Consulting with a pediatrician before starting sleep training is always a good idea if you are unsure.

11. What are the negatives of sleep training?

Potential negatives of sleep training include initially increased crying, which can be stressful for both the baby and the parents. Inconsistent application of sleep training methods can lead to confusion and prolonged sleep issues. It's important to approach sleep training with patience and consistency to mitigate these negatives.

12. What is the 3-minute rule for sleep training?

The 3-minute rule involves allowing the baby to cry for 3 minutes before checking on them and providing comfort. This method aims to gradually increase the baby's ability to self-soothe while still offering parental reassurance. The intervals can be adjusted based on the baby's progress and parents' comfort levels.

13. What is the hardest day of sleep training?

The first few days, particularly the second or third night, are often the hardest as the baby adjusts to new sleep routines. It's common for resistance and crying to peak during this time. Staying consistent and patient is crucial, as the baby will typically start to show improvement after these initial challenging days.

14. How to teach a baby to fall asleep on their own?

Teaching a baby to fall asleep on their own involves establishing a consistent bedtime routine, placing them in the crib while drowsy but awake, and using sleep training methods that encourage self-soothing. Gradually reducing parental intervention helps the baby learn to fall asleep independently.

15. How to teach a baby to self-soothe?

To teach a baby to self-soothe, provide a comforting sleep environment, establish a consistent bedtime routine, and use gentle sleep training methods. Encourage the use of a lovey or comfort object, and gradually reduce the amount of time you spend comforting the baby before sleep. Patience and consistency are key in helping the baby develop self-soothing skills.

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